Discover Black Tea

How different can types of Black Tea really be? Depending on the region the tea is grown, as well as the harvesting ...

What's the big deal with Earl Grey Tea?

It's the number 1 selling tea blend in the United States and it's not even close, Earl Grey Tea. How did this Bergamo...

Chinese Tea Vs Japanese Tea

So what's the real difference between a Chinese Tea and a Japanese Tea? Other than the obvious that they are produced...

What is the best Green Tea?

Green Tea has a following all of its own. This slightly oxidized version of the Camellia sinensis plant come in many ...

Irish Breakfast Vs English Breakfast

Maybe it's because of missing March Madness, maybe it's because we didn't really get to celebrate Saint Patrick's da...

Loose Leaf Tea Versus Tea Bags: Which is better?

It's a question we at Revival Tea Company get all the time. Which is better: Loose Leaf Tea or Tea Bags? The answer q...
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