How To Make a Tea Latte at Home

How To Make a Tea Latte at Home

A Tea Latte is simply your favorite tea with frothed or steamed milk. You can make this cafe classic hot or iced, but today we will focus on the hot variety. Some of our favorites are a London Fog made with Earl Grey, Matcha Latte, Fruit Tea Latte, Green Tea Latte, and a Chai Latte that we will make today. We are going to walk you through the different steps and options to make a cafe quality Tea Latte from home!

The first trick is we are going to double our amount of tea for a latte using 2 teaspoons per 8 ounces of water of our favorite tea. If using tea bags or sachets use 2 per 8 ounces of water as well.

Depending on the type of tea, fill your drinking vessel 3/4 of the way with water leaving 1/4 portion for milk. You can see our article here for more info on temperature and tea. Regardless of how you will heat your water always start with cold filtered tap water.

Set your timer as normal for the appropriate steeping time. You can also see our article on how long to steep your tea here.

Once your tea is done steeping strain or remove tea using chosen strainer, teabag, or sachet.

Add optional sweetener to latte, we like raw wild flower honey or simple syrup.

After adding the 1/4 remaining in your cup of milk it's time to froth. The type of milk is a preference, however we use Oat Milk as it's the only milk to not change the taste or temperature of the tea. At home we like to use a battery powered handheld frother that we sell in store or you can find at places like Amazon or Target. There are also amazing electric milk frothers available for as little as $20 that will heat and froth the milk for you. We keep one of these on hand at our shop in case our commercial steamer is ever under the weather. You just have to pour over the tea once finished which normally takes about 60 seconds. If using a battery powered frother you will need to heat the milk in the microwave or stove before frothing. Also make sure to leave enough room at the top of your mug for the expansion of milk when frothing so it doesn't foam over!

And then it's time to make that cup all fancy and social media ready. We like a dash of cinnamon or a star anise on our Chai Latte but the choice is yours! There you have it a cafe quality Tea Latte from home. It may take a few times to get it down but it is well worth it!


Revival Tea Co.

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