How Long Do I Steep My Tea?

How Long Do I Steep My Tea?

If you're like me, or any other tea drinker out there you've spent the time making a cup of tea only to forget it and find it later still patiently waiting for you. Setting a timer can be not only a trick to make sure this doesn't happen but to ensure the tea has been brewed for the exact amount of time as intended.

Whether you're making loose leaf tea or using a tea bag, knowing when to take the tea out is key to a great cup. The longest steep is going to be for a spiced tea or a chai.  Let's also keep in mind that not just for spiced tea but for any tea, time unlike temperature really is a preference to each their own. We suggest a 6 minute steep for our Fresh Crafted Spiced Chai but a 7 minute steep will bring out even more of the spices. You can also make this tea a more mild cup at a 5 minute steep. Any straight Black Tea  will typically be steeped for 5 minutes. Any longer and it can become too strong, not long enough and you may not get the full flavor profile as intended.

Really the main tea group that will vary on preference is a Green Tea. As a rule of thumb plan on most Green Tea's being steeped for 3 minutes, however some delicate or roasted Green Tea's can be roasted for as short as 30 seconds. Typically you don't want to go much past 3 minutes as the bitterness will come out. White Tea is traditionally steeped for 4 minutes depending on the leaf, and Oolong Tea can range from 3-5 minutes depending on the darkness and depth of the specific Oolong. Our dark smooth Oolong is a 5 minute steep.

Some may use the timer on their phone or microwave but there are also great tea specific timers on the market. From a dial to digital kitchen timer to a sand timer it depends on your personal preference. No matter the case use a timer and never forget a tea behind again! ( or maybe not as often)

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