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Learn:Caffeine and Tea

Caffeine and Tea

It's a question we get all the time at Revival Tea Company, how much caffeine is in tea? That all depends on the type of tea you are drinking and how those leaves were processed. Are you looking for a nice jolt in the morning to get going? We've got a tea for that. Are you looking for a nice mid-day slump buster that will get you to the end of the day? We've got a tea for that. Need a tea that will help you fall asleep and stay asleep? We've got a tea for that.

Let's start with the most commonly drank tea in the world; black tea. The average cup of black tea has close to 50 milligrams of caffeine; that's about half of what's in a cup of coffee. A strong breakfast tea like an English Breakfast or Irish Breakfast may feel like the caffeine is hitting you faster as the mixture of different black teas will release the caffeine very quickly into the bloodstream. Are you looking for a tea that has the same caffeine content as coffee? Let us introduce you to Yerba Mate; this South American specialty has a fresh earthy flavor and packs close to 100 milligrams of caffeine much like coffee but without the acidic properties coffee contains.

So your morning cup has worn off and its time for a good post lunch afternoon pickup that will get you to 5 o'clock but not keep you up all night. Transition to a Green Tea, Oolong Tea, or White Tea. An Oolong can range vastly in flavor from delicate to dark or almost an entry level black tea.  Oolong Tea's contain 30-40 milligrams of caffeine. Green Tea will typically have 20-30 milligrams of caffeine and White Tea can range from 10 milligrams all the way to 40 milligrams of caffeine depending on the leaf type. The amazing thing about White Tea is that it contains an enzyme that slowly releases caffeine into your blood stream  for a slow and steady energy boost.

Now you're home and you want a cozy cup to settle down for the night. Any Herbal Tea or Tisane will be naturally caffeine free. A decaf tea on the other hand will still contain trace amounts of caffeine as it is impossible to eliminate all of the caffeine from the leaf so we don't suggest these to those that are extremely caffeine sensitive or with heart conditions. And yes if your are looking for a tea to help you fall asleep there are herbal blends including our Sleepy Chai that contain calming herbs like Rooibos and Chamomile as well as Valerian Root which is a natural sedative that's been used since Egyptian times.

Whatever time or occasion there's a tea that can help you get through your day from beginning to end. If only there were enough hours in the day to have them all!



Revival Tea Co.

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