5 Reasons You Should Be Drinking Chamomile Tea

5 Reasons You Should Be Drinking Chamomile Tea

Maybe you're already a regular drinker of this flowered tea, or maybe you're yet to give it a try. Chamomile is often used in different Sleepy Time type teas, but what are its other benefits? We'll give you 5 reasons why you should be drinking Chamomile Tea. 

1.Better Sleep

Let's start with the benefit we just mentioned; it's true Chamomile may in fact help lead to a better nights sleep. Apigenin is an antioxidant that binds to certain receptors in your brain and helps decrease anxiety and initiates sleep. Keep in mind while helpful, Chamomile is a gentle sleep inducer. If you are looking for something a little stronger consider a tea with valerian root such as our Sleepy Chai.

2.Reduce Anxiety and Depression

Studies have shown that for those looking for a more natural medicine for anxiety or depression, Chamomile can help. In the U.S. alone nearly 40 million people suffer from depression, some may not want traditional western medication. Chamomile consists of many properties that can promote calmness and act as a stress-reducer. 

3.Lower Blood Sugar

Chamomile Tea is often used by those with diabetes to help lower blood sugar. The antioxidant quercetin found in Chamomile has an impact on enzymes that are part of the diabetic response. Studies have shown large drops in blood sugar with patients who have type two diabetes over a 2 month period.

4.Stronger Heart

The antioxidants known as flavones have been shown to lower the risk of heart disease. Regular Chamomile consumption can also help lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Please do consult a doctor before using as Chamomile can have adverse effects on those already using blood thinners.

4.Help With Stomach Issues

Drinking a cup of Chamomile Tea can also help relieve an upset stomach. Chamomile contains anti-inflamatory properties as well as  antispasmodic and carminative properties. All together these can also help with menstal cramping, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, and early studies have even been promising to combat acid reflex.

All of these wonderful benefits are a big reasons you find Chamomile in many herbal tea blends. Its little wonder so many wind down at the end of the day with a nice hot cup of Chamomile Tea. Maybe it's time you add the flowered tea to your diet.


Revival Tea Co.

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