How To Blend Tea at Home Like a Pro

How To Blend Tea at Home

So you've tasted your way through every tea and you want to start making your own blends at home. Well today we are going to walk you through the very process we use at Revival when we are coming up with our newest blends. While blending can be quite complex and take months to get the right mix down, today we will keep it simple. Heck after going through dozens of ingredients and ending on 9 of them it took 3 months to get the perfect blend for our Fresh Crafted Spiced Chai. Some of the greatest blends are the simplest using only 2 or 3 ingredients. Today we will blend 2 of our favorites, Yerba Mate and Peppermint. You might just be surprised how amazing two of your favorite single origins teas or herbals taste when blended together!How To Blend Tea

The main tool you are going to need to blend is a trusted set of measuring spoons. You can use these to play around with your mix and get it just right.How To Blend Tea at Home

For this blend we are going to take 1 teaspoon of Yerba Mate and add it to a glass beaker. You can use any glass or mug to blend the tea in.Blending Tea

It's important to know the traits of what you are blending with. We know peppermint can overpower other flavors to we will only use 3/4 of a teaspoon of Peppermint Leaf.

Blending TeaBlending Tea at Home

Time to blend! Simply shake the blend in your glass or mug counter-clock wise for 15-20 seconds. 

Blend Tea

Now it's time to make our blend come to life. While these two ingredients are steeped at the same temperature traditionally, it is important to use water at the temperature of your most delicate ingredient. For instance on our Chamomile Mint Blend,Peppermint is Steeped at 200 degrees while Chamomile is only steeped at 160 degrees. Using 200 degree water with Chamomile will burn the flowers and turn it sour, because of this we use 160 degree water for that blend.

How To Blend Tea at Home 

The same rules apply for time as temperature, always take the lowest time that one of your ingredients is traditionally steeped at. For Peppermint and Yerba Mate it's easy as they are both 5 minutes.

Blend Tea at Home

Simply strain your blend into your drinking vessel.

Blending Tea at Home

Now it's time to taste your creation like a pro. Take a deep spoon from home and taste. The room temperature spoon will cool down the tea so you don't burn your tounge and tasting in a small quantity will be easier to tell what changes need to be made. The fun part is re-creating this process until you've got the blend down to a science. Possibly the most important part though is to give your new tea an awesome. name For the Yerba Mate and Peppermint blend we will made I think we'll go with Yerba Mint. Tea blending can be fun on your own or the whole family and we find it to be a very relaxing pastime in our lab. Let us know what blends you come up with and you might just find it next time you're here at Revival HQ!


Revival Tea Co.

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