Revival Tea Academy: Wild Berry Hibiscus

Today we are talking about our Wild Berry Hibiscus herbal tea. This is a fruit medley that has a little bit of a tart finish due to the ingredients. These ingredients include: rose hips, elderberry, and hibiscus. To make a cup we will use one teaspoon per 8 ounces of water. If you're using a tea bag, one tea bag will suffice as well. Next pour 212 degree water (water to a boil) over your tea. Now set your timer for 4 minutes. After your time goes off it's time to pour over a hand mesh strainer. If you used a tea ball or tea bag now would be the time to remove that. 
A lot of people actually call this like the wine of teas, or the merlot of teas. When you smell it, it has a very sweet smell but also has that perfect amount of tartness which cuts through (this is from the hibiscus). If you're a wine fan you're really going like this cup of tea. And that's our Wild Berry Hibiscus tea! Available here in loose leaf and in tea bags.
Revival Tea Academy

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