Revival Tea Academy: Sticky Rice Puerh

Today is all about our Sticky Rice Puerh. This is a tea we get asked a lot about because of the fun packaging that it's in. Those are called tuo cha cakes; and each one is good for really 5 to 6 cups of tea a piece. 
Now what makes it taste like sticky rice: a puerh is an aged tea and they scent it with a Chinese herb that gives it that sticky rice flavor and smell. To make a cup we will first take 212 degree water (or water to a boil) and pour it over our tuo cha cake. Next we'll go ahead and set a timer for five minutes. Once the timer has gone off we're going to go ahead and pour this over our hand mesh strainer. Then it's time to enjoy. We want to mention is this is definitely one of our most fragrant teas the aroma of the rice just fills up a room it's super comforting and so unique. A lot of puerh teas can be very harsh, but the sticky rice just really blends in well with the puerh.
Remember each one of these tuo cha cakes is good for 5 to 6 cups of tea. Each great as a hot cup or as a latte with just a dash of oat milk.
Revival Tea Academy

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