Revival Tea Academy: Blue Tea

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Today on Revival Tea Academy we're talking about our Blue Tea. You may be asking "What is Blue Tea?" Well, we took Butterfly Pea Flower, which is what makes it blue, but has a very unique flavor. Then we added mango, passion fruit, two types, of lemon, two types of mint and lemongrass to make a tea infusion like you've never tasted before.
To make a cup, the first thing we're going to do is put one teaspoon of tea per eight ounces of water into a glass beaker. If you're using a tea bag that'll suffice. Next you're going to add 212 degree water (water to a boil). Fill it up to your desired level and set your timer for 5 minutes. When it's done steeping we will pour this over a hand mesh strainer. If you're using another tea accessory or a tea bag now would be the time to remove it. It's funny how often we hear people say "Oh my gosh that actually tastes blue!". The mango, passion fruit, lemon, mint and lemongrass all together really does taste blue.
There's two things we love to do with this drink as well. It's all about the ph. If you add a little bit of lemon lemonade to it, it makes a purple Arnold Palmer. Or add a little bit of simple syrup and milk and it makes an amazing Blue Tea latte.
Our Blue tea is great as a straight hot cup, an latte (hot or iced) and as an Arnold Palmer. Online it comes both loose leaf and in tea bags.
Revival Tea Academy

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