Revival Tea Academy: Fresh Crafted Spiced Chai

During today's Revival Tea academy we are going to be talking about our Fresh Crafted Spiced Chai. As you'll see online it comes in both loose leaf and in tea bags. Our Chai is very special to us, in fact, it's the tea that started our whole company. A fun fact about Chai is that Chai just means tea. In our culture, we've made it to be a spiced tea. Most chai's only have four maybe five ingredients, but ours has nine. It's technically a Sticky Chai; meaning it has raw wildflower honey in the blend.
When we started our company we were only going to have one tea, it was gonna be this Chai tea. And we were only going to be online, and the first 60 days of actually putting this tea on our website we shipped it to 24 countries and every state. So it's definitely the reason that we're here today.
Most tea is one teaspoon per eight ounces of water. But, with our Fresh crafted Spiced Chai you actually want to take one tablespoon per eight ounces of water. Then we want to bring the water to a boil at 212 degrees. For a pro tip; if you're taking it out of the faucet use cold water, as there's more oxygen in it, which will actually bring out more flavor in the tea. Then you will need to set a timer for 6 minutes just to bring out a little extra spice. Once the timer goes off the last step is to strain it.
This is one of our favorite teas, it's not too sweet it's not too spicy. It's really just that that perfect balance. You pick up on the spiciness, you can make it as spicy as you want. If you steep it longer the spiciness will come out more. If you don't like that much spice keep the steep time a little shorter. You can pick up on the cinnamon, fresh ginger, cardamom, cloves; they really all come through really well.
There's one more thing that we want to show you that can turn this tea
into a really fun drink at home: making it into a Chai Latte. The first thing we're going to do is add our sweetener. In the tasting room we just use simple syrup, honey's great too, whichever you prefer. After that we add some oat
milk and give it a stir. The last thing we like to do for that extra touch, is to top it off  with a little fresh ground cinnamon. This  actually makes a big difference because we have cinnamon in the blend.
Our Fresh Crafted Spiced Chai is available online and in store. You can even get a candle now that smells exactly like it.
Revival Tea Academy
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