Revival Tea Academy: Earl Grey Tea

Lets talk about our Earl Grey tea. Earl Grey tea was originally made famous in England, but is now consumed more than any other type of tea in the US. American's love Earl Grey, but what is it? Any Earl Grey will take a Black tea and have some sort of bergamot extract, which is a citrus. What makes our's super unique is that we add cornflower petals to the blend. It adds a nice splash of indigo, but also gives it that nice floral finish. To make a cup we'll go ahead and put one teaspoon of tea per 8 ounces of water. Or one tea bag works as well. Next we'll take 212 degree water (or water to a boil) and pour it over our tea leaves. Next we'll go ahead and set a timer for 5 minutes. Once our timer has gone off we'll pour our tea over our hand mesh strainer. If you used a tea ball or tea bag now would be the time to remove those.
Our Earl Grey is very smooth, some Earl Grey's can be heavy on the bergamot side almost a double or triple amount of bergamot which makes it almost bitter. You also have what is known as a Lady Gray where the bergamot is super light. For us, ours is just a perfect balance right in the middle, between that Black tea and that citrus flavor. Our Earl Grey is available both in loose leaf and in tea bags right here on our website.
Revival Tea Academy

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