How To Make Iced Tea

How To Make Iced Tea

It's a question we get all the time; how do I make Iced Tea at home? Well the best way and the way we make Iced Tea in our Tea House and Shop is using the same method as hot tea but then taking the time to cool and refrigerate. We use a 1.7 L electric kettle and then transfer to a large pitcher to cool overnight. However this isn't always the easy or quick option, so today we are going to cover a fun way to make a glass of your favorite Iced Tea in just minutes. We are going to use our best selling Iced Tea blend our Black Mango Tea. Let's begin!

How To Make Iced Tea

First you want to double up on your traditional measurement of tea as we are trying to make a concentrate. So for a single serving or glass, 2 teaspoons of loose leaf tea or 2 tea bags. If you're making a pitcher we suggest a teaspoon or tea bag for every 8 ounces of water. Keep in mind iced tae glasses are typically larger than a hot tea mug.How To Make Iced Tea

With this being a black tea we will take 200 degree water and just cover the tea with 2-4 ounces of water to make a concentrate.How To Make Iced Tea

You can see the amount of water covering the tea above, we will then steep for 5 minutes.How To Make Iced Tea

Once the timer has gone off you will add cold tap water to your concentrate. This should be enough water to equal the desired end amount of iced tea. The cold tap water will bring the hot concentrate down to drinking temperature.How To Make Iced Tea

Now simply strain over ice or remove the tea bag and pour over ice.How To Make Iced Tea

And there you have it, fresh Iced Tea to enjoy this summer!



Revival Tea Co.

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