Why are we releasing "sleepy Chai" and code for free shipping

The number one question we receive is what other flavors or blends are you going to offer? To be quite honest, we didn't really have an answer when we released our Fresh Crafted Spiced Chai. First we wanted to focus on and create one blend that could really carry the brand and back what Revival Tea Company is all about. After launching in 2018 and shipping orders for the first time in just December, we have received an amount of Support for our Fresh Chai that we could have never imagined so early. We had not planned to release another blend only three months into fulfilling orders but very quickly after our canisters of Chai hit doorsteps around the country and around the world a new question popped up. Every day we would get "I LOVE your Chai! Are there any plans to release a decaffeinated version to drink at night"(there were no plans). So we did what any good business would do, sitting back listening to what our customers wanted. The calls for a decaf offering grew and grew and we said why not? And why wait, let's just do it now! So that's how Sleepy Chai came to be, thanks to you. You can PRE-ORDER now at www.revivalteacompany.com and use promo code SLEEPY to score FREE SHIPPING. Pre-Orders will ship the first week of March. To answer the next question, we do have plans for other releases in 2019. We are committed to sticking to the core of our original blend and to creating blends that only alter by one or two ingredients. These releases will include mainstay and seasonal blends. If there is something you want to see make sure to post in the comments and let us know!