Teas for Fall

October is full of pumpkin flavored treats, Halloween costumes, colorful falling leaves, and crisp autumn days. Here are some of our favorite teas that feel like all those moments in a teacup to enjoy this season!


Fresh Crafted Spiced Chai- our Chai is the tea that started the foundation of Revival Tea! This is our most famous blend made from black tea, cinnamon, star anise, cardamom, cloves, allspice, fennel, black peppercorn, ginger root, and raw wildflower honey. A must have that we offer in loose leaf, tea bags, and concentrate!

Orange Cinnamon Spice- one of our top sellers during the holiday season! A perfect blend of our classic black tea, orange peel, and cinnamon. This one is also great because we offer a decaf option too!

Ginger Peach- a refreshing sweet but spicey black tea blend made with black tea, dried ginger, and peach pieces! The ginger is a great immunity booster, and the black tea gives you a little caffeine boost as well! 

Lemon Ginger Tonic- a perfect balance between sweet and spicey using lemongrass, ginger, peppercorn, licorice root, and turmeric power. This caffeine-free tea is a great way to relax and a great immune booster as well during the changing of the seasons. 

Sore Throat- this wellness tea is packed full of benefits that you need this fall and cold season. With 12 all natural ingredients including elm bark, licorice root, marshmallow root, cherry bark, fennel, cinnamon, orange peel, ginger, mullein, chamomile, peppermint, and green tea, this is a perfect tea for your fall collection!

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