Mothers Day Gift Ideas For The Tea Lover

Blooming Tea

Let's be honest, moms are pretty awesome. I mean they put up with us didn't they? Let's also be honest; we normally forget about mothers day until a day or two before it comes and run to the grocery store the morning of to get some flowers and maybe a nice card. If you've got a tea loving mom in your life we've got you covered with some Mothers Day Gift Ideas!


blooming tea

Instead of real flowers why not get mom a blooming flower tea that she can sip and enjoy! This set from Revival Tea Company comes with 5 hand sewn blooming teas in either Pineapple or Lychee flavor as well as a glass mug, 2 shortbread cookies and even a personalized hand written card all for just $24.99!


jasmine tea

Get mom a tea with real jasmine petals in the blend. Coupled with a Chinese Green Tea and celebrated for its strong base and superb scenting; this fragrant infusion has the succulent aroma of flowers. And remember you can add another tea for 50% Off!

Revival Tea Company Gift Card

tea gift card

Let mom pick her own teas with a Revival Tea Company Gift Card. These e-gift cards can be sent via email and redeemed online available in $10,$25,$50, or $100.


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