Why revival tea company is posting about start your day start your revival

You may have noticed it on your facebook timeline, or come across it on your Instagram feed. It's an inspiring photo with the words, START YOUR DAY, START YOUR REVIVAL. But what does it mean? And why is a tea company from Spokane,WA posting about it? Could it be more than just a catchphrase or marketing campaign?Starting your day on purpose is not only a life changing habit, but one that we believe so strongly in that we're willing to go to the top of buildings to scream it ( we might actually do this). Most people go through their whole day and frankly their whole life in a state of reaction. When you take control of your day by living a purposeful morning, it puts you in proactive pattern that will continue the rest of the day. Throughout this blog we will share strategies that work. Habits that real people have used just like you and me to stop the pattern of hitting the sleep button on the alarm, and to start each and every day with a plan and a routine. Quite simply it may be the one simple trait that separates the ordinary from the extroadinary. Join us as we go in depth exploring the activities you can do to lead to a more productive day, how you can decrease stress, and spend more time doing the things you love. Because what you do during the day may be to make a living, but what you do each morning can shape your life.
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