Have you tried our new RE/VIVE bites?!


Have you tried our new RE/VIVE bites yet?! They are so delicious and full of benefits! Made with our RE/VIVE powder, these bites provide a great energy boost for a pick me up snack any time of the day! They are also gluten-free and vegan as well and have a great source of protein from the plant protein and almond butter! 


We wanted to create a healthy fun snack that is an easy on the go treat and we are working on expanding our food menu even more too! These bites are available at both of our locations for only $4 for a pack of three. Listed below are what ingredients we use to make them! 



-Revival Tea Co.


RE/VIVE bites:

-gluten-free oats

-almond butter

-RE/VIVE powder

-plant protein powder



-oat milk


-cacao nibs


RE/VIVE powder:

-roasted yerba mate

-roasted chicory root

-cacao nibs

-lion's mane mushroom powder

-cordyceps mushroom powder

-chaga mushroom powder

reishi mushroom powder



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